Recherche FFJ Research Statement


Les FFJ Research Statement, une collection rassemblant les contributions des chercheurs invités et des chercheurs associés de la FFJ, ont deux objectifs principaux. C’est à la fois un moyen de promouvoir les recherches de nos invités auprès des autres chercheurs de l’EHESS, mais également, par leur format à visée pédagogique, un moyen de faire découvrir à un public plus large, la diversité des études sur le Japon et l’Asie.


Aging and Economics: A French-Japanese Perspective

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Pourquoi prendre en compte les évolutions socio-économiques pour imaginer les mobilités urbaines de demain ?

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Exploring the Role of ICTs in Urban Governance: an analysis of the smart cities production in East Asia

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Naonori Kodate

Why does implementation of innovative technologies matter for care professionals? A new multi-professional collaborative research project assessing the impact of transfer robots in Toyota Memorial Hospital

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Changes in family formation and urban structure: A comparison between French and Japanese metropolitan areas

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The paradox of debt and Minsky cycle: Nonlinear effects of debt and capital, and variety of capitalism

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Sustainable Cultural Futures: COVID-19 and Re-setting Cultural Policy

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Kayo Takuma

Regional Health Cooperation in Multi-Layered Health Governance: A Comparative Study of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Efforts in the EU and Asia 

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Nanako Inaba

Social movements against social exclusion in the era of Neoliberalism

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Yuki Kubo Tanaka

The consequences of corporate ESG disclosure

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Thị Ngọc Tú LÊ

The HoChiMinh City- Urban Mobility and gender-sensitive analysis

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Japanese Style Financialization: Its Impact on Monetary Policy and Infrastructure Investment

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Compliance Check of Norms for Algorithmic Law

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Keisuke Mamehara

Comparative study of the history of energy policy in France and Japan

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Fabio Gygi

ROBOTS IN THE WILD - An Ethnography of Robot-Human Interactions outside the Laboratory 

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Hugh Whittaker

Building a New Economy: Japan’s Digital and Green Economic Transformations

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Andrés Borthagaray

A new approach for public spaces of mobility in world metropolises: design, management and governance for a social and post-pandemic transition

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Pierre Siklos

The Missing Link(s)? Fiscal, Demographic, and Global Forces, and Their Interactions with Monetary Policy: Japan Over the Last Three Decades

The project examines Japan’s macroeconomic performance over the past three decades relative to the US and the eurozone.

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Marion Lagadic

Bridging gender contracts and urban policies: exploring the concept of ‘gender cycling contract’ in the Greater Tokyo area

This research project explores the impact of gender norms on women’s cycling practices in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. It analyses the influence of gender norms at multiple scales, from the structural scale of policy, welfare state and labour market dynamics to that of the individual cyclist.

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Kazunobu Oyama

Japanese leadership in the case of the Fukushima nuclear accident

This research aims to reveal the actual state of damage, and the causes of the catastrophic Fukushima nuclear accident to examine why Japanese management and leadership failed to prevent it.

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Koichiro Eto

A Study of Cognitive Differences between Europe and Japan on Artificial Intelligence-Generated Creations

In this research, we will interview artists who create art with artificial intelligence, and investigate their ideological background. In addition, through psychological experiments, we will compare and examine how people accept the expressions produced by artificial intelligence.

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Meriç Kirmizi

The Crisis of the Contemporary City: Socio-Economic Effects of Commercial, Residential and Mobility Changes

This study searches for French urban mobility practices with the dilemma of planned versus lived spaces. The contradictory cases of residential, commercial and transport-led mobility are collected through direct observation and secondary data to indicate the possibility that widely adopted urban discourses might create overplanned, dull, and more expensive cities.

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Kota Kodama

A comparative study of Japanese, US, and French regulation and social system of AI used in medicine

This research aims to find answers to the following questions: What are the main differences between the governmental policies used in terms of utilizing AI in medical devices and therapeutic applications?; How will the entire social system change when a new technology called mHealth is introduced into society?

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Kulacha Sirikhan

Potentials and Challenges of the connected autonomous shared electric vehicle (CASE) from urban geography perspectivein Southeast Asia Megacities

This research aims to discuss on challenges in the implementation of the connected autonomous shared electric vehicle, which overarchfour major ongoing emerging vehicle technologies including; autonomous vehicles, electrification, share-ownershipservices, and connected vehicle.

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Mari Uchiumi

Depopulation and sustainable maintenance of urban functions: Focusing on wide area cooperation and coordination in the Japanese and French urban planning systems

This research seeks to clarify the relationship between depopulation and policies related to wide-area cooperation and coordination.

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Willem Thorbecke

The Exposure of European and East Asian Firms to the COVID-19 Pandemic and to Exchange Rates: Evidence from the Stock Market

This research investigates how the coronavirus shock has affected economies in Europe and East Asia and how these effects are related to countries’ successes or failures at controlling the virus.

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Eiichi Taniguchi

City logistics for sustainable and liveable cities

This research seeks to clarify the innovative solutions for urban freight transport issues for sustainable and liveable cities based on the comparison of policies, strategies, and management schemes in Europe and Japan.

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Ritsu Yamamura

Comparative Study of Social Policy for People with Disabilities: Positioning of Japan between Two Types of Policy Framework, Trend and Movement

The aim of this research is to get understandings and theoretical fundamentals of those systems and change by analyzing both systems and course in which countries went through to change from causebased system to need-based system.

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Haruki Sawamura

Frontier of connectivity technologies and human intervention in mobility service sector in Europe and in Japan

This research aims at understanding different innovations in mobility service sector brought by the introduction of connectivity technologies.

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Tatsuyoshi Okimoto

Empirical Assessment of Unconventional Monetary Policies

The main goal of the project is to examine the effects of unconventional monetary policies on the financial markets in Japan and other countries by taking the structural changes in the effects of monetary policies and the spillovers to the world economy into consideration.

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Makiko SAKAI

Small-scale Economic Activities and Self-help Mechanisms in African Rural Societies

Since the beginning of my research in Africa, my main interest has been about the different kinds of mutual aid established by rural people which enable them to cope with harsh natural and sociopolitical environments.

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Institutional Building in the Decentralized Territorial Policies Approach on Clustering of Creative Industries

In order to understand the functioning of governance institutions in the process of implementing cluster competitiveness, this study focuses on the cases of “Territoire de la culture et de la creation” of Plaine Commune in Île-de-France and “Creative city Yokohama” in Tokyo Metropolitan Area.

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Success and Failure of Public Innovation Policies in Japan: A Case Study of Care Robots

This research study focuses on a large and growing area of public innovation policy in Japan that is increasingly having a global impact: the development and use of robotics in elderly care.

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Naoko ABE

Cross-cultural Studies (France and Japan) and Multidisciplinary Discussion on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Artificial Intelligence is rapidly developing through a new learning system such as “Deep Learning model”, based on a neural network and learning data representation contrary to a task-specific algorithm. Our society is now facing the rapid technological changes that could lead us to a dramatic social impact in the economic, societal, educational and ethical landscape.

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Jeehoon KI

Differences in Public Policy on Autonomous Cars in France, Japan, and Korea

Public policy affects the behavior of players in an industry. This study aims to explore the similarities and differences of public policy on autonomous cars in France, Japan, and Korea. The study contributes to a better understanding of how and why these countries follow their respective trajectories of socio-economic transformation in the emerging era of autonomous cars.

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Victoria MAK

The influence of the Rise of Foreign Shareholders on Inter-Firm Alliances in Japan

This project seeks to provide empirical analyses on the effects of foreign share ownerships of Japan-listed keiretsu firms on: the levels of main bank borrowing, other bank borrowings, and main bank shareholdings; the effects of domestic institutional share ownerships of Japan-listed keiretsu firms on the levels of main bank borrowing, other bank borrowings, and main bank shareholdings; the effects of foreign share ownerships of Japan-listed keiretsu firms on the interlocking directorates of Japan-listed keiretsu firms.

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Tokaido Megalopolis: Developmental State Urbanism from Growth to Shrinkage

This research project examines the challenges posed by megaregions from the perspective of an analysis of the Tokaido Megalopolis, the first case of this urban scale in Asia. Many of the issues faced by today’s megaregions were identified in Tokaido 50 years ago, but at a very different moment in world history, and with different interpretations of major challenges and possible policy responses.

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Soichiro MINAMI

Local Government and Innovation for Sustainable mobility: Policy, Role and Means

The purpose of this research is to elucidate interdependent development cycle of institution and technology about sustainable mobility by analyzing relationship between innovation and transportation policy by local governments.

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Yasuhi HARA

Binding of Gap: Science and Innovation

This study will address the issue of the creation of innovative products by scientific discoveries, its feasibility via bibliographic and patent database, and the role of public innovation policy during this time-absorbing process.

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Shoichiro TAKEZAWA

A Comparative Study on the Organic Agriculture in Japan and in France

In recent years, the interest in sustainable permanent farming and organic farming has been increasing among Japanese consumers. However, such concern is not very high among Japanese farmers.

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L’Économie politique des entreprises zombies

Pour contribuer à la littérature sur les entreprises zombies, mes recherches, basées sur l’économie politique, construisent une théorie autour des conditions politiques qui permettent l’apparition de ces entreprises.

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From Care Work and Migration to Care Economy in East and Southeast Asian Contexts

Population ageing is a global phenomenon, but nowhere is it more dramatic than in East Asia. This is because the size of East Asia’s ageing population is massive – currently accounting for nearly a third of the world’s older population – and the pace of ageing in the region is also dangerously fast.

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Trinh Hoang Anh NGUYEN

Policy for the Energy Transition in ASEAN, with Lessons Learned from EU and Japan

Basé sur les leçons tirées de la transition énergétique en Europe et au Japon, ainsi que sur une appréciation des différences dans les politiques fondamentales, ce projet fournit une perspective et une analyse critiques pour la promotion la transition énergétique des pays de l'Asie du Sud-Est.

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Kristin SURAK

Managing Temporary Labor Migration: Public-Private Partnerships in East Asia

"To investigate how destination states partner with migration industry actors to organize cross-border mobility, as well as the implications of such arrangements for control and influence, my work reviews the guestwork schemes in East Asian democracies with strong economies that have become net importers of migrants: Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. "

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The relationship between unconventional monetary policy and income inequality: update

"Equality is not just a moral issue. Pursuing equality is conducive to economic growth and financial stability (Ostry et al. 2014; Stiglitz, 2012; Rajan, 2010) and advancing equal opportunity is crucial for sustainable growth. Japan, despite its image as an egalitarian society, has been ranked high in pre-distribution income inequality..."

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Rising “un-civil” society groups?: Religious Intolerance in Contemporary Indonesia

Le projet porte sur l’émergence de groupes de la société “non-civile” en Indonésie démocratique. L’Indonésie, soumise à un changement drastique de régime depuis 1998 ainsi qu’à la réforme institutionnelle de son système politique et économique, se targe de nos jours d’une démocratie stable et d’un développement économique solide.

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Nobutaka KAMEI

Anthropological Research on Sign Languages in French-Speaking West and Central Africa

Nobutaka Kamei vise à la promotion des recherches sur les langues des signes, la culture et l'histoire des communautés sourdes en Afrique, en particulier dans les pays francophones. Il avance que les études comparatives sur les langues des signes et les cultures sourdes en Afrique, en Europe et en Asie peuvent être promues par la recherche sur le terrain.

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Toshiyuki MATSUURA

How Do Japanese Manufacturing Firms React to the Surge of Imports from China?

Toshiyuki Matsuura examine la façon dont les entreprises japonaises réagissent à l’augmentation des importations provenant de pays en développement tels que la Chine. Il s’intéresse en particulier à la hausse de la qualité de la marchandise ainsi qu’à ses changements en utilisant des données exhaustives sur la base de la production dans les usines. 

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Urban Salary women in Contemporary Japan: Models for a neo-liberal Japan?

Son projet de recherche consiste en une étude qualitative et longitudinale d'un ensemble de femmes pionnières dans la "normalisation" du modèle de l'emploi à vie féminin pour le même employeur, comme c'est le cas depuis longtemps pour leurs homologues masculins, les 'sarariman' ('salarymen') japonais (Rohlen, 1979; Osawa, 1993, 1994; Robertson and Suzuki, 2003; Gagne, 2010; Dasgupta, 2013).

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Comparative Analysis of the Urban Governance in Divided Society and Social Innovations Created by Social Enterprises in Europe

Ses recherches visent à éclairer les méchanismes de gouvernance urbaine qui facilitent l'émergence de nouveaux mouvements au sein des organisations la société civile et la durabilité des innovations sociales promouvant une régénération urbaine en comparant les cas de Yokohama (Japon) et Nantes (France).

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Transferts intergénérationnels et fiscalité des successions au Japon

Yukinobu Kitamura mène actuellement un projet de recherche portant sur les transferts intergénérationnels et la fiscalité des successions. Dans un contexte de vieillissement de la société et de stagnation prolongée, il est devenu essentiel au Japon comme en Europe de repenser les activités de transfert de dons et d'identifier la taille des flux d'héritages et de donations au sein des ménages.

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Francis D. KIM

When Family Capitalism Meets Shareholder Activism: South Korea

Ce carnet est un aperçu des recherches actuelles de Francis D. Kim et cherchent à comprendre - à travers le récent scandale en Corée du Sud - la structure sous-jacente poussant à l'imbrication des familles dirigeantes des groupes d'affaire coréens, basée sur  de nouvelles applications des politiques libérales et d'interactions stratégiques avec les investisseurs militants, afin de récupérer les investissements familiaux grâce à la Loi sur les sociétés holding.

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Under what circumstances can a latecomer surge to be the global player? The Case of Samsung Electronics in Korea

Cette étude vise à une nouvelle perspective sur Samsung Electronics Co., plutôt que de la comprendre en tant que filiale du groupe Samsung, nous l’examinerons d’un point de vue indépendant et de son rôle effectif de leader mondial dans l’industrie électronique. Nous nous attacherons à identifier les événements clés d’un point de vue du rattrapage technologique et de la mondialisation.

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Cuisines nationales et frontières cuilinaires: une étude de cas sur la cuisine japonaise

Mon projet de recherche dans le cadre de la Chaire Air Liquide 2017 examine le discours sur la cuisine japonaise et ses itérations en dehors du Japon à travers l'analyse des "frontières". Les frontières et les limites n'affectent pas les cuisines d'une manière aussi claire ou évidente que les produits agricoles et les aliments, leurs effets sont néanmoins profonds.

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Politique environnementale urbaine et aménagement du territoire pour la transformation de la mobilité

Ce projet de recherche étudiera le rôle des politiques publiques et des communautés locales dans le développement de services de mobilité durables et en particulier les effets de la politique urbaine environnementale et de l'aménagement du territoire sur la demande des consommateurs et l'approvisionnement des constructeurs automobiles.

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Dialogue dipolomatique nippo-européen dans une perspective historique

During the Cold War years, the bipolar system that resulted in the Japanese-European response was definitely the systemic variable. In the pure realist anarchy, especially related to the first bipolar phase, the transpacific axis became, in fact, the expression of a bilateralism within which high political issues were gradually (...)

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New innovation policies in science based economy era: Empirical analysis by linked dataset of scientific papers, patents and firm level financial data

This research proposal addresses the questions of new innovation policies in science based economy era as “to what extent scientific activities at universities and PRIs contribute to industrial innovation?” and “what are new innovation policies for maximizing the impact of scientific activities, without damaging academic integrity at research sector?”.

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Toshiaki TANAKA

A study of new technologies of personal mobility and robot suit for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

The aim of the present study is to investigate innovative technology for sustainable mobility, particularly scientific technology that could improve mobility for the elderly and disabled.

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Ulrich VOLZ

Japanese Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy and the Hollowing-out of Japanese Industry

This research project aims to investigate the effects of Japanese monetary and exchange rate policy on the hollowing out of the Japanese industrial sector in two ways: an econometric analysis using new data for industry‐specific real effective exchange rates to gauge the effects of yen fluctuations on the output and exports of different Japanese industries on the one hand, and a detailed investigation of the drivers behind the outsourcing of domestic manufacturing production from Japan to other parts of Asia and the role that the yen’s external value has played in the emergence of the regional trade production network.

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Naoko ABE
How can we understand the differences between France and Japan in the growth of shared mobility services? The paradox of trust and its social construction.

The research project aims to understand the differences between France and Japan in the development of shared mobility service by considering the question of trust in unknown people as a key to the growth of a new mobility system from three viewpoints: societal concerns, service strategies and economical aspect.

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Concentration unipolaire à Tokyo et l’émergence du discours régionaliste du Kansaï

La concentration socioéconomique autour de Tokyo se poursuit au Japon. Cette tendance est même accélérée depuis l’époque postindustrielle, contrairement à la théorie estimant qu’elle s’apaiserait avec la fin de l’exode rural (Toffler 1980). (...)

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Implications of the effective lower bound on nominal interest rates in the Japanese economy
As it is well known, the Japanese economy has been stuck in a liquidity trap for more than two decades. After the collapse of the bubble economy in the late 1980s, the Bank of Japan lowered its target for the uncollateralized overnight call rate to 0.5% in 1995.(...)

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Enquête ethnographique sur le modèle familial des migrants japonais en France
(...) l’objectif de mon travail doctoral consiste à analyser les rapports sociaux de genre dans la famille japonaise contemporaine, notamment la persistance du patriarcat dans la vie courante des Japonais(...)

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Inter-firm Division of Labor in the Japanese Auto Industry at a Crossroads:
Where Have Some (not All) Keiretsu Gone?

Since Coase’s (1937) seminal work, many researchers in a variety of fields, including economics, sociology, and management, have addressed how the boundaries of the firm are determined and why...

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Hidetada HIGASHI

Cognition, Resource Allocation, and Organizational Change of Automotive OEMs against the Innovative Power Train

This research aims to describe the diversifying patterns of automotive OEMs’ behavior against the innovation of new powertrain (...).

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Métropole de l'endroit et métropole de l'envers. Décroissance urbaine, vieillissement et mobilités dans les périphéries de l'aire métropolitaine d'Osaka.
Ma recherche doctorale est centrée sur une analyse de l’évolution du peuplement, de l’aménagement et du fonctionnement des banlieues (mot qui traduit ici la notion de kōgai) des aires métropolitaines japonaises depuis la fin de la bulle et la Décennie perdue (1991-2002).

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How relevant is Japan's economic experience
to advanced economies?

How relevant is Japan economic history over the past twenty-five years to understand the current challenges faced by other advanced economies? Scholars are sharply divided about the relevance of Japan's experience to America or Europe. (…)

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My doctoral research explores the evolution of disability policies, in a French-Japanese comparative perspective, focusing on the field of education. The fieldwork conducted in Japan has been made possible thanks to a JSPS fellowship.

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Kashiko KODATE et Naonori KODATE

Women in Science and Engineering

At Davos in January 2014, Prime Minister Abe stated that ‘Japan should be the place that gives women the opportunity to shine. Thirty per cent of leadership positions should be occupied by women by 2020’. Japan finally seo embrace an increasingly global and competitive environment.

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Formation process of Japanese consumers' inflation expectations

Despite its theoretical importance, measuring inflation expectations in a precise manner is not an easy task as inflation expectation is subjective and varies significantly among agents. In Japan, policymakers have been inquiring with both consumers and firms about their expectations through surveys.

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Japan in War and Empire: Challenges for Historical and Comparative Welfare State Research from mid-20th centuryJapanese Welfare State Development

Histories of the Japanese welfare state commonly situate its origins during the period of high economic growth of the mid-1960s...

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This study is concerned with the relation between language and national identity in contemporary Japan, in particular the manner in which visions of ‘Japaneseness’ are expressed and reproduced through the display of public attitudes (...)

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My research looks at recent efforts in Japan to develop an industry at the technological frontier: in regenerative medicine. Japan offers a good case study to evaluate how institutional environments shape innovation in this sector, given substantial efforts made by Japanese government, industry and academia to alter existing institutional arrangements to advance. The regenerative medicines industry also offers a good forum to evaluate firms’ innovative capacities, because firms in this sector must innovate to survive.

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Economic Crises and Policy Regimes

For more than two decades, developed countries have witnessed massive job losses, lowered wages, slow (sometimes negative) economic growth and widening inequality under governments—left or right—that have implemented similar neoliberal policies (...)

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Japan’s practice of so-called lifetime employment is well known. This system arose out of labour unrest in the early post-war years and was the result of both collective bargaining and recognition by bureaucratic and corporate leaders that Japan needed to secure a committed workforce and a stable labour market if it was to pursue long-term economic growth. (...)
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Kimiko TERAI


Japan’s accumulated public debt is over twice its GDP; this figure is high compared to that of other developed countries. In the 1980s, Japan’s public debt was not substantial. Nevertheless, the country’s public debt grew rapidly in the 1990s, while other major developed countries were engaged in fiscal consolidation from the late 1990s onwards.
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Even if the economy starts to recover and corporate earnings pick up, that will do little to help the average person if not accompanied by higher wages and salaries. Indeed, if it simply indicates that higher prices are lifting the economy out of a deflationary spell, all it would mean for most people is that times are soon to get even tougher.
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Towards an Immigration State? Japan's Immigration Policy

In recent months, the Japanese cabinet and important affiliated advisory committees are discussing a more active immigration policy and the acceptance of more foreign workers in order to boost Japan's long-term economic growth. If these proposals are realized, they would mark another important step of Japan from an immigration country to an immigration state.
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Ever since Abe Shinzo’s Liberal Democratic Party returned to power in December 2012, there has been a lively debate over whether Japan is shifting to the right. While some contend that he is a pragmatist determined to pursue the three arrows of Abenomics, others point to his long record of revisionist statements and deeds before, during, and after his earlier stint as prime minister of Japan as proof that he is a ‘conviction’ politician with extreme nationalistic views.
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Yoichi MINE

Preventing violent conflict in Africa

Après la fin de la Guerre Froide, l’Afrique a été secouée par une série de violents conflits, dont le génocide du Rwanda, les terribles guerres civiles et tragédies humaines dans des pays comme la RDC, le Libéria, la Sierra Léone, la Côte d’Ivoire, la Somalie, le Soudan et d’autres régions du continent.

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EU-Japan relations – past, present and future

On March 25, the EU and Japan officially launched the start of negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA). What can we expect? The answer to this question warrants an assessment of the evolution and present state of EU-Japan relations (...)

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Yoshimichi SATO

Persistent inequality between regular and non-regular workers in Japan

We observe the increase in the share of non-regular workers in the labor market in Japan. The percentage of female non-regular workers is over 50% as of 2010, and that of their male counterparts is approaching 20%. If there were no inequality between regular and non-regular workers, this increase would not cause any problem. However (...)

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The policies for people with disabilities in France and Japan have experienced a very big change through the 2000s. The Council Directive 2000/78/EC which was enacted on 27 November 2000 established a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (...)
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Globalization and labour market in SUMO wrestling

(...) To take an interesting example of Sumo labour market, here I attempt to explore impact of globalization in Japan. In general, Sumo wrestling is regarded as a traditional fighting sport in Japan and has been popular since the 18th century. Due to the national isolation policy, Sumo wrestlers consisted of Japanese. However, after World War II, Sumo has become globalized (...)

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Tadashi YAGI

The Essence of Creative Economy
As Pink (2005) insisted in his book, our economy is moving from the “Information Age” to a “Conceptual Age” where creativity, innovation, empathy, and a holistic view will be rewarded with value gains in the market (...)

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An Output Fall during Political-Economic Transition:
The Case of Japan

Why does an extensive reform of a national political-economic system invite temporary, and often substantial, loss of economic output? This question was initially raised in relation to the transition between capitalism and socialism/communism (...)                               

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Is Japanese white collar workers' loyalty really high? : Comparison Among Japan, France and the United States

In the mid-1980’s when the Japanese economy manifested significant growth, Western countries mocked Japanese businessmen who worked flat-out for their companies by calling them “worker bees". Initially, the concept of employees working self-sacrificingly for an organization was peculiar to Japan. (...)
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Expectations were that after Fukushima, Japan’s energy policy would change drastically and rapidly, but its reform has proceeded slowly despite its urgency in public policy agenda. This is in stark contrast to Germany which hammered out a detailed energy reform agenda including nuclear phase-out only a few months after Fukushima. (...)

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Two faces of patent value - How can we evaluate the patent value and what affects it?
There is an ever-increasing concern for innovation also in Japan. Is Japan losing a part of its innovation capacity?
Actually, some leading companies such as Sony and Panasonic are facing increasing difficulties. Manufacturing in Japan as a percent of GDP has been in steady decline (...)
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(27/10/ 2012)

Japan’s labor market and the rise in unemployment since 1990

Unemployment is statistically defined as a situation in which persons are not in, can immediately engage in, and are seeking paid employment or self-employment. In Japan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication’s Labour Force Survey classifies the population aged 15 years and above into three categories(...)                                                                                                                    
Teruyama Hiroshi  

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Reinhard DRIFTE


Japan's foreign policy seems to show two conflicting tendencies: On the one hand we find indications for an increasingly assertive policy, but at the same time there are signs of a weaker and less active policy. Among the indications for the former, one can mention Japan`s quest for a permanent UN Security Council seat, a stronger stance against China in the territorial conflict in the East China Sea, (...)

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Innovation and profitability problems in the Japanese electronics industry

The electronics industry is critical when considering Japan's competitiveness, because it has driven the Japanese economy, along with steel and automotive manufacturing, providing larger market opportunities and job creation (...)
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Philippe MOSSE
 (09/11/ 2011) 

Comparing Hospitals and Nurses in Japan and France


Hospital systems throughout the developed world are undergoing waves of reform which seek to address multiple challenges of intensifying acuity, such as population ageing, technological advance, heightened expectations on the part of increasingly informed patients, the reduction of public spending deficits (...)

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The Economic Impact of the Tohoku Earthquake

Franz Waldenberger
On March 11, 2011 one of the strongest earthquakes ever measured occurred 130 km off the coast of Japan’s main island Honshu. Its intensity was 1,400 times stronger than that of the Kobe earthquake in 1995. The earthquake triggered a number of tsunami (...) Jens Eilker
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Japan Invests in Asian Regionalism

The idea of Asian regionalism is in vogue, and has affected the tenor of Japan’s foreign economic policies. As the intra-regional trade shares of ten East Asian nations were estimated to be around 51 percent by the early 2000s, ahead of the NAFTA countries but behind the European Union ones, Asian economic regionalism seemed a fact in progress (...)

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Stability and Instability in Japanese Politics: Explaining Prime Ministerial Turnover

For some years now, it has been common to analyse Japanese politics in terms of relative instability. I say “relative” because plainly there are important countries whose politics are far more unstable than the politics of Japan, but nevertheless in Japan there are significant indicators of instability (...)

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Measures to Address Current Youth Labor Market Issues

“The crisis of youth” (wakamono kiki). This was the cover story in an issue of the Japanese news magazine Tōyō Keizai in early 2009. The magazine cover showed a grim-faced young Japanese man in a business suit. Inside the magazine, statistics and stories of Japanese young people’s difficult employment situation (...)

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Takehiko KARIYA

Can expanded opportunities of university education help Japanese youth transition to work?

The emergence of a global knowledge-based economy has given rise to drastic changes in both higher education and employment. On one hand, governments in advanced societies have launched policies to expand higher education to compete internationally in educating and attracting highly skilled workers. (...) 
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Claude MEYER

Les relations Chine-Japon.
Dialectique de la domination économique et de la puissance stratégique

En septembre 2010, il a suffi d’un incident naval apparemment mineur pour déclencher entre la Chine et le Japon une crise diplomatique aigüe avec suspension de contacts à haut niveau et embargo chinois sur les exportations de terres rares vers le Japon. Ces tensions récurrentes sur fond de contentieux historique (...)

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Risky Business?: the discursive politics of ‘family risks’ in twenty-first century Japan

The Clash’s 1981 hit song, Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?, is about a troubled love affair. Or more precisely, the drive of the song stems from an acute dilemma: the anxiety and frustration involved in taking decisions about love. Should one continue or terminate a relationship? (...)
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The Senkaku/Diaoyutai Crisis of September 2010: How could a fishing incident escalate to a full-blown frontal shock between great powers?

A little over a year ago, the coming to power of the Democratic Power of Japan (DPJ) signaled a big shift in Japan’s foreign policy and in East Asian relations. (...)

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cornelia storzCornelia STORZ

Innovation and Emergence of New Industries: Is the Silicon Valley Model the Only Way?

Japan seems to have lost its competitiveness in innovation. Its poor performance in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (a recognized industry measure) is offered as evidence of its obvious inability to give birth to new industries and has led to a growing pessimism about Japan’s competitiveness in the future. (...)

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The Global Financial Crisis and the Evolution of Corporate Governance in Japan

Japanese corporate governance practices were not a direct cause of the current financial crisis, which was triggered by the subprime loan problem as exogenous shocks. However, the global financial crisis is expected to have a significant impact on the evolution of corporate governance. (...)

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Naoki IkegamiNaoki IKEGAMI

Why does France spend much more than Japan for its healthcare system for equivalent results?

France and Japan share many features in their health care systems. In financing, both are based on the social health insurance (SHI) model, with contributions from employers and employees, but also subsidized by taxes. In delivery, both are a mix of public and private providers, (...)

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Towards an insurance for long-term care? What the French should learn from the Japanese, the German, and (a little less) from the American

Long-term care for frail older people is an increasingly significant policy issue in all advanced nations. Everywhere the number of old people who need assistance is increasingly rapidly, while social changes have decreased the ability of families to provide care on their own. (...)

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Takahiro FujimotoTakahiro FUJIMOTO

The Future of the Japanese Industries: an approach in term of Design-Based Comparative Advantage

The US financial crisis hit Toyota and other Japanese firms that depended heavily on the US economic-bubble-driven exports, and yen was appreciated during the same period. (...)

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Jun NishikawaJun NISHIKAWA

« Richesse des Nations et Bien-Être des Individus ». Une vision japonaise

Le gouvernement japonais a publié en mars 2010 les résultats d’un sondage sur le degré de Bonheur des Japonais. D’après ce sondage, effectué sur quatre mille personnes âgées de 15 à 89 ans, le degré de Bonheur ou Bonheur National Brut (BNB) atteindrait le chiffre peu brillant (...)
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Yuichiro Mizumachi (06/05/2010)

Le droit du travail au Japon: une clef du rapport salarial en transition

Le droit du travail japonais connaît une phase de transition depuis plusieurs années. Ainsi, par exemple, du point de vue du droit législatif, la loi du 12 mai 2004 a permis d’instaurer (...)

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Toru Yoshida29/03/2010

Retour sur l’alternance politique au Japon
« Vive l’alternance ! » s’écriait l’un des candidats du Parti Démocrate (PDJ, 民主党) lors des élections d’août 2009 au Japon. De fait, mise à part la brève interruption de 1993 à1994, c’est la première fois depuis 1955 que le Parti Libéral Démocrate (PLD, 自民党) cède sa place à un autre parti, en l’occurrence le Parti Démocrate. (...)
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Christian SAUTTERchristian sautter
Quelques commentaires sur la « vilaine dette japonaise »
L’agence de notation Standard & Poors a lancé un avertissement solennel au Japon : diminuez votre dette publique ou je dégrade votre notation (International Herald Tribune 27 janvier 2010). L’article évoque le « risque de défaut » et le renchérissement considérable du service de la dette qui résulterait d’une dégradation de la note des obligations de l’Etat japonais. (...)

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The 1990s in Japan and Lessons for the Current Financial Crisis

1. Crisis
What is the similarity between Japan’s crisis and the current financial crisis?
Both crises were severe recessions that followed the collapse of asset-price bubbles and both bubbles emerged in real estate markets. (...)

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