À PROPOS Chercheurs invités Kazunobu OYAMA

Kazunobu OYAMA

Université de Kanagawa

Kazunobu Oyama est professeur à la faculté d’Économie Politique de l’Université de Kanagawa, voisine de Yokohama, au Japon. Il a obtenu un doctorat en économie politique à l’université de Tokyo en 1995. Le Professeur Oyama étudie les sciences de la gestion, de l'innovation technologique, et de la recherche et du développement (R&D). En outre, il a étudié la gestion stratégique, les organisations commerciales et la théorie de la prise de décision. Il s'intéresse aux interactions mutuelles entre l'économie politique et la technologie. Ses derniers travaux s'articulent autour des théories de la civilisation, et plus particulièrement l'histoire du développement des sociétés humaines. Il étudie les problèmes et les risques liés aux innovations dans une perspective historique de longue durée. Après l'accident nucléaire qui s’est produit à Fukushima, le Professeur Oyama a orienté ses recherches sur les politiques concernant l’énergie nucléaire et leurs implications futures.

Thèmes de recherche : Économie Politique, Sciences de la gestion, Innovation technologique, R&D

CV Université de Kanagawa

Collaboration avec la FFJ

Chercheur invité
Séjour : avril 2021 - mars 2022

Dr. Oyama used a three pronged approach to research nuclear energy development in France.

  1. Analyzing the policies and R&D technologies of private enterprises, notably Framatome, formerly known as Areva.
  2. Investigating government’s policies for future nuclear energy.
  3. Researching how journalism informs nuclear energy affairs. In particular, how journalistic reporting on accidents related to nuclear energy seriously influences public opinion.

In the case of the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, Japan included many leaders and members of the Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Company (TEPCO) actually panicked. Even after a dozen years, nuclear energy is only about one-thirtieth of what it was before 2011, showing that still panic continues. Furthermore, this panic has spread worldwide. For example, after the Fukushima accident German government decided to decommission nuclear plants in the near future. Instead, Germany imports electric energy from France which is produced by French nuclear plants.

Approximate 75 % of electricity in France is produced by nuclear plants. Japan cannot import energy from foreign countries because of the island’s relationship with England. England has decided to continue investing in nuclear development. Since nuclear energy is still an effective alternative, Japan should also decide to continue its nuclear development. Therefore, Dr. Oyama tried to analyze how French society sustains nuclear energy policy in order to suggest a solution that supports nuclear development in Japan.

Research Statement Discussion Paper

Publications principales

Oyama, K., The theory of the Decision Making, Reprint of The Faculty of Choice, 2014, Hakuto Shobou Press

Oyama, K., Paradox of Ignorance and Civilization, 2017, Koyou Press

Oyama, K., "Japanese Management, Leadership, and Culture in the Case of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident", Kanagama University, The Society of Economics, 2019, The Review of Economics and Commerce Vol.55, No.1,2 pp.1-15

Oyama, K., "The future of nuclear technology", Kanagawa University, The Studies in Economics and Trade, 2020, The Annual Bulletin No.46 2020