Événements A venir


27 avril 2024 [organisé par la MCJP]

La longévité au Japon - Perspectives

Avec plus de 90 000 centenaires, le Japon est actuellement le pays où le taux de personnes de plus de cent ans est le plus élevé. Pourtant, la proportion de personnes qui disent vouloir vivre jusqu’à 100 ans est moins grande au Japon que dans d’autres pays. Comment expliquer ce phénomène ? Selon Yasuyuki GONDO, professeur du département des sciences humaines de l’Université d’Osaka, ne pas lutter contre le vieillissement pourrait être, paradoxalement, le moyen de vivre une vieillesse heureuse. Il débattra de ce sujet avec Jean-Marie ROBINE, directeur de recherche émérite à l’Inserm et à l’EPHE, rattaché au laboratoire MMDN de l'Université de Montpellier.

  • 27 avril 2024 | 14h00 - 16h00 (Paris time)
  • Sur place à la Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris : 101 Bis quai Jacques Chirac, 75015 Paris
  • Intervenants associés à la FFJ: Yasuyuki GONDO (Université d'Osaka), Jean-Marie ROBINE (Inserm)
  • Inscription sur le site de la MCJP

13 mai 2024

Trajectoires résidentielles et infrastructures métropolitaines de mobilité : restructuration(s) de l'État et effets structurants du Grand Paris Express dans les quartiers desservis

Webinaire FFJ/Movin'On

Cette session du webinaire organisé en collaboration avec Movin'On, dans le cadre de la communauté d'intérêt sur les mobilités contraintes, sera l'occasion de présenter les travaux de recherche d'Antoine Gosnet, attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Géographie à l'Université Paris Nanterre, membre de l'UMR LAVUE ainsi que doctorant EHESS - Membre de l'UMR Géographie-cités sous la direction de Marie-Vic Ozouf-Marignier et de Beatriz Fernandez. Sa thèse porte sur les Politiques du logement au sein des quartiers desservis par le Grand Paris Express, mutations institutionnelles et stratégies locales dans la production du logement.

  • 13 mai 2024 | 17h00-18h00 (Paris time)
  • En ligne (lien à venir)
  • Intervenant : Antoine GOSNET (Paris Nanterre, EHESS)
  • En français

13-22 mai 2024

Seminar Series with Naonori KODATE (University College Dublin) in France


The role of incident reporting systems for improving patient safety in Japanese and European hospitals: policy, regulation and practice

13 May 2024 - 14:30-16:30 (Paris Time) at Campus Condorcet: room 2.023, Recherche sud building, 5 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers
In English | Organised in the framework of the Iris theme 3 on Health

The aging ‘care crisis’ in Japan: is there a role for robotics-based solutions?

17 May 2024 - 10:00-12:00 (Paris Time) at Campus Condorcet: room 2.023, Recherche sud building, 5 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers
In English | Organised in the framework of the seminar Cermes3/Iris

Care systems in transition: welfare technologies, professional ethics and organizational culture

21 May 2024 - 10:00-12:00 (Paris Time) at Campus Condorcet: room 2.023, Recherche sud building, 5 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers
In English | Organised in the framework of an INNOVCARE seminar

Care, health, and technology: a research agenda

22 May 2024 - 14:00-16:00 (Paris Time) at Campus Condorcet: room 1.023, Recherche sud building, 5 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers
In English | Organised in the framework of the Iris PhD student seminar

30 mai 2024

2nd Expert Group meeting on “economics of ageing”

FFJ/Banque de France lab

This year, the FFJ-Banque de France lab will concentrate its activities on the relationship between demography and economics. Due to the nature of the topic, which is quite broad, it is proposed to narrow it down and focus on the economics of ageing, with two primary directions:

  • Fiscal sustainability and price dynamics in an ageing economy
  • Innovation and human capital in an ageing economy

Besides the regular conferences on June 14 (in Paris) and December 2 (in Tokyo), we decided to launch a Japanese-French expert group to facilitate a knowledge exchange opportunity and promote research coordination that allows the researchers to work collaboratively to produce new knowledge. We provide the opportunity for mid-career and junior researchers to present their research, which allows senior researchers to comment on their works.

For this 2nd expert group, we will focus on two presentation about “Why Ageing Induces Deflation and Secular Stagnation?” and “Health capacity to work among older persons in Asia: Key findings from a regional comparative study”.

  • 30 May 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30 (Tokyo time)
  • By invitation only
  • Speakers: R.Anton BRAUN (Research economist and senior advisor, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, CIGS), Takashi OSHIO (Emeritus professor, Hitotsubashi University)
  • In English
  • Programme upcoming

4 juin 2024

Mobilités résidentielles dans le Grand Paris

Webinaire FFJ/Movin'On

Cette session du webinaire organisé en collaboration avec Movin'On, dans le cadre de la communauté d'intérêt sur les mobilités contraintes, sera l'occasion de présenter les travaux de recherche de Giovanni Castre, doctorant à l'université de Turin, il réalise un séjour de recherche à l'EHESS depuis le 1er semestre 2024. Sociologue de formation, il s'intéresse dans le cadre de sa thèse aux mobilités résidentielles dans le Grand Paris en exploitant la base de données FIDELI.

  • 4 juin 2024 | 17h00-18h00 (Paris time)
  • En ligne (lien à venir)
  • Intervenant : Giovanni CASTRE (Université de Turin)
  • En français

12 juin 2024

Building a New Economy - Japan's Digital and Green Transformation

FFJ/Banque de France lab - Roundtable

This roundtable aims to discuss the latest book by Hugh WHITTAKER (Oxford University, 2022 FFJ/Banque de France Fellow).

Book Abstract: Japan is attempting to build a new economy. It goes by various names, such as 'Society 5.0', 'sustainable capitalism', and 'new form of capitalism'. It is to be constructed through digital and green transformation, and a 'virtuous cycle of growth and distribution'. The effort faces strong headwinds, including demographic decline and ageing, Japan's external energy dependence and geopolitical turbulence, and the legacies of Japan's 'lost decades'. Nonetheless, since 2015 a path has been identified that steers between Big Tech market oligopoly on the one hand, and an overbearing state on the other. For others facing the same post-neoliberal, sustainability transformation challenges as Japan, this public-private coordinated building effort is noteworthy.

Building a New Economy uses an evolutionary conceptual framework of states-and-markets, organizations-and-technology, and institutional change. It shows how the institutional coherence of the manufacturing-centred postwar model broke down, and was followed by the ideological and institutional dissonance of the 'lost decades'. However, new institutional building blocks have been identified and (partially) assembled which could lead Japan towards a new model which is more open and adaptive. These blocks include a reconfigured developmental state, and new forms of coordination with and within the corporate sector, at times encompassing civil society.

Importantly, for a country that has favoured social stability over creative destruction, and has struggled with change, the path forward may require 'controlled dis-equilibrium' of institutions rather than tight coherence. 'Society 5.0' and the 'new form of capitalism' claim to be people-centred; making them so will be the crucial challenge.

  • 12 June 2024 | 10.00-12.00 (Paris time)
  • Onsite at Campus Condorcet: Centre des colloques, Place du front populaire 93300 Aubervilliers, room 3.05
  • Speakers: Robert BOYER (Institut des Amériques), Sebastian MASLOW (Sendai Shirayuri Women's College), Saori SHIBATA (The University of Sheffield), Franz WALDENBERGER (German Institute for Japanese Studies)
  • In English
  • Read the book
  • Programme and registration link upcoming

13 juin 2024

Reforming Japanese capitalism

FFJ/Banque de France lab - Roundtable

This roundtable aims to discuss the special issue of Asia Pacific Business Review coordinated by Yoshifumi NAKATA (Doshisha University) and Hugh WHITTAKER (Oxford University, 2022 FFJ/Banque de France Fellow).

Special Issue Abstract: Is Japan creating a new economic model through digital and green transformation which will overcome its ‘lost decades’ lethargy and demographic challenges? Do Society 5.0, DX, GX, ‘new/sustainable capitalism’, Digital Garden City Nation and other initiatives represent a well-intentioned mish-mash, or something new and potentially coherent which other countries should take notice of? These questions animated a conference held in Oxford in February 2023, and subsequently informed the 11 articles in this special issue by European and Japanese academics and policy makers. The collection identifies tensions and contradictions but also significant changes in in corporate governance, innovation, public policy and human resources, which may point to a new direction for Japanese capitalism.

  • 13 June 2024 | 9.00-12.00 (Paris time)
  • Onsite at Campus Condorcet: Centre des colloques, Place du front populaire 93300 Aubervilliers, room 3.05
  • Speakers: Brieuc MONFORT (Sophia University, FFJ-EHESS associate researcher), Saori SHIBATA (The University of Sheffield)
  • In English
  • Read the special issue
  • Programme and registration link upcoming

14 juin 2024 - SAVE THE DATE

Economics of Ageing

FFJ/Banque de France lab - Roundtable

Many developed countries have been facing population ageing as the most dominant demographic trend of the 21st century. Japan has been impacted more severely by the issues in economic, financial performance and public policy effectiveness (such as the long-term solvency of public pension, health care, and long-term care systems). The experience of Japan could be regarded as providing lessons for the key macroeconomic and financial outcomes of the ageing economy. Thus, the BdF-FFJ joint lab aims at bringing together leading researchers from academia, central banks, and other policy institutions to present research findings related to the importance of including demographic change and ageing in the decision-making of the central banks’ policies. The two major topics that will be discussed are the following: Fiscal sustainability and price dynamics in an ageing economy, and Innovation and human capital in an ageing economy

  • 14 June 2024 | 9.00-17.25 (Paris time)
  • Onsite at Campus Condorcet: Centre des colloques, Place du front populaire 93300 Aubervilliers, room 50
  • In English
  • Further information upcoming

1 juillet 2024

Recherche d’innovation et des voies d’amélioration de la cohabitation des modes dans l’espace public

Webinaire FFJ/Movin'On

Cette session du webinaire organisé en collaboration avec Movin'On, dans le cadre de la communauté d'intérêt sur les mobilités contraintes, sera l'occasion de présenter les travaux de recherche de Manon Eskenazi, chargée de recherche au Laboratoire Ville, Mobilité, Transport (LVMT) de l'Ecole des ponts ParisTech (ENPC), dans lequel elle est en charge de l’évaluation de la gouvernance et des modèles économiques. Elle a fait une thèse en Urbanisme et Aménagement intitulée « Voir, faire et vivre la ville pour le vélo. Pratiques du vélo et politiques de mobilité dans deux métropoles européennes » sous la direction de Marie-Hélène Massot (UPEM).

  • 1 juillet 2024 | 17h00-18h00 (Paris time)
  • En ligne (lien à venir)
  • Intervenant : Manon ESKENAZI (École des Ponts ParisTech)
  • En français

1-3 juillet 2024 - SAVE THE DATE

3rd Capitalisms, Technologies, Society and Health - A Euroasian project meeting

Abstract upcoming

  • 1-3 July 2024
  • Further information upcoming