Événements 2023


11 décembre 2023

Inflation and public debt dynamics in a new environment: EU-Japan perspectives

FFJ-Banque de France lab

After decades of moderate inflation or deflation in Japan and in Europe, our economies are facing the return of inflation. It leads to a rise of interest rates and to new challenges for the public debt dynamics. The aim of this conference, which will gather economists and policy makers is to discuss the interactions between inflation rates and public debts as well as the de facto division of labor between Central banks and governments. The event is funded by the FFJ/Banque de France lab with the support of the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS), the Bank of Japan, the NIRA, the French Embassy in Japan, the Japanese Embassy in France, and the MSH Paris Nord

  • 11 December 2023
  • 13.30 - 19.00 (Tokyo time)
  • In English
  • On-site: Nihon Kôgyô Club (日本工業倶楽部会館), 1 Chome-4-6 Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
  • Keynote speeches: Masaaki KAIZUKA (Executive Director, Bank of Japan), François VILLEROY DE GALHAU (Governor of Banque de France)
  • Speakers: Bruno CABRILLAC (Deputy Director General, Banque de France), Gregory CLAEYS (Director of the Economics Department, France Stratégie & Bruegel), Toshihiko FUKUI (President, Canon Institute for Global Studies), Tomoko HAYASHI (Director-General of Economic Research Bureau, Cabinet Office), Akinari HORII (Special advisor, Canon Institute for Global Studies), Takeo HOSHI (Professor, The University of Tokyo), Raphael KELLER (Minister-counsellor for Economie Affairs & Head of the Regional Economie Department, French Embassy in Japan), Keiichiro KOBAYASHI (Research Director, Canon Institute for Global Studies), Junko KOEDA (Professor, Waseda University), Stéphane LATOUCHE (Senior Representative Asia Pacific, Banque de France), Sébastien LECHEVALIER (President, FFJ-EHESS), Tatsuyoshi OKIMOTO (Professor, Keio University), Yuri OKINA (Executive Vice President, NIRA), Dorothée ROUZET (Chief Economist, French Treasury), Philippe SETTON (Ambassador of France in Japan), Kozo UEDA (Professor, Waseda University), Junko UENO (Financial Counsellor, Japan Embassy in France), Junichi UJIIE (Advisor, Canon Institute for Global Studies)

15 novembre - 1 décembre 2023

Seminar Series with Yoko NIIMI (Doshisha University) in Paris

These 3 seminars with Yoko NIIMI (Doshisha University), organized in collaboration with EHESS and INED, are organized in the framework of INNOVCARE and AURELIA research projects (France 2030).

1) The implications of providing elderly care for family caregivers’ employment

This presentation takes place in the session "Beyond Horizon: Novel and Creative Research and/or Practices in Care Settings, Japanese Examples" of the 3rd INNOVCARE Annual Forum, with Naonori KODATE (University College Dublin), Sébastien LECHEVALIER (EHESS), Claudia MÜLLER (University of Siegen), Hitomi NAGANO (Sophia University), Yasuhiro NAKANISHI (National Institute of Public Health), Yoko NIIMI (Doshisha University) and Yasuhiko SAITO (Nihon University).

  • 15 November 2023
  • 10.15 - 12.30 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On-site at Campus Condorcet: Centre des colloques, Place du Front Populaire, 93300 Aubervilliers

2) The implications of elderly care provision for family caregivers’ well-being

This seminar takes place during the Sébastien Lechevalier’s EHESS seminar.

  • 29 November 2023
  • 14.30 - 16.30 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On-site at EHESS: Campus Condorcet, Salle 3.03 (3ème étage) du Centre des colloques, Place du Front Populaire, 93300 Aubervilliers

3) Tutorial session with PhD Students

This seminar takes place during the Sébastien Lechevalier’s EHESS seminar.

  • 29 November 2023
  • 16.30 - 17.30 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On-site at EHESS: Campus Condorcet, Salle 3.03 (3ème étage) du Centre des colloques, Place du Front Populaire, 93300 Aubervilliers

4) The implications of elderly care provision for caregivers’ employment

This seminar is co-organized with INED within the AURELIA Project with the participation of Olivier GIRAUD (CNAM), Charles HORIOKA (Kobe University) and Loic TRABUT (INED).

  • 1 December 2023
  • 14.00 - 16.00 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On-site at INED: Campus Condorcet, 9 cours des Humanités, 93300 Aubervilliers

27 novembre 2023

The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle after 43 Years

The Feldstein–Horioka puzzle is a widely discussed problem in macroeconomics and international finance, which was first documented by Martin Feldstein and Charles Horioka in a 1980 paper. Economic theory assumes that if investors can easily invest anywhere in the world, acting rationally they would invest in countries offering the highest return per unit of investment. This would drive up the price of the investment until the return across different countries is similar. Professor C. Horioka will present new evidence on his famous “Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle”, which relates saving and investment in a context of capital mobility. 

  • 27 November 2023
  • 17.30 - 19.00 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On-site: Banque de France, 31 rue Croix des Petits-Champs 75001 Paris (limited seats)
  • Speaker: Charles Horioka (Kobe University)

21 novembre 2023

Savons-nous vraiment parler ? Du contrat linguistique comme contrat social

Conférence et table ronde avec Sylvain Detey (Waseda University)

En 2023, un dialogue entre journalistes, linguistes, didacticiens, philosophes et politiques semble nécessaire : afin de renouer le dialogue national, de recadrer la communication internationale, de penser la formation à la communication mondiale et numérique de demain entre Paris, Tokyo, et le reste du monde. C’est à ce dialogue qu’invite cette rencontre, c’est à cette attention portée à nos comportements communicatifs qu’il doit mener. Cet événement sera composé d'une conférence et d'une table ronde autour de la parution du livre de Sylvain Detey : "Savons-nous vraiment parler ? Du contrat linguistique comme contrat social".

  • 21 novembre 2023
  • 15.00 - 18.30 (Paris time)
  • In French
  • En ligne et sur place à la Maison Suger: 16 rue Suger, 75006 Paris (places limitées)
  • Intervenants : A. Antheaume (Sciences Po), M. Atlan (journaliste), B. Cerquiglini (Univ. Paris), P. De Sinety (DGLFLF), C. Deloire (EGI & RSF), S. Detey (Waseda), A. Develey (Le Figaro), R.-P. Droit (philosophe), J. Durand (IUF), D. Grelier (Le Figaro), S. Lechevalier (EHESS).
  • Le livre (possibilité de se le procurer lors de l'événement)

16 novembre 2023

L'innovation mais pour quoi faire ?

Table ronde avec Franck Aggeri (Mines Paris - PSL)

Innovez, innovez, innovez : telle est la formule magique qui sort sans cesse de la bouche des économistes et des politiques. Mais personne ne demande pourquoi cette frénésie permanente d’innovations technologiques, managériales, financières, publiques ou sociales et, surtout, dans quels buts ? Cette table-ronde propose de débattre autour de l'ouvrage de Franck Aggeri "L'Innovation, mais pour quoi faire ? Essai sur un mythe économique, social et managérial".

  • 16 novembre 2023
  • 17.00 - 19.00 (Paris time)
  • In French
  • Sur place au Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment de Recherche Sud, Salle 0.033
  • Intervenants : Carole FERRET (CNRS), Boris HAURAY (INSERM), Pascal PETIT (CNRS)
  • Le livre

15 novembre 2023

Care-led innovation: The case of elderly care in France and Japan

INNOVCARE 3rd Annual Forum

If technologies (especially robotics, AI, digital technologies) can help the autonomy of older adults (OA), they also have limitations (difficulties of use, disconnection between design and real needs, ethical issues that may not be taken into consideration ...) identified by field actors and in the scientific literature. The objective of INNOVCARE is to try to overcome these limitations by working on a better synthesis of social and individual needs and the contributions of technologies. The project aims to define and implement a process of innovation led by care for the benefit of the autonomy of the OAs with the following goals: securing the person's environment; ensuring his or her mobility; slowing down/compensating for the loss of his or her cognitive abilities; and preserving and enhancing social ties. Based on interdisciplinarity within the SSH (central and driving forces in the project) and between SSH, medicine and engineering, it also offers a comparative perspective between France and Japan. The originality of the project lies in two central features; first, we introduce a comparison with innovation for younger individuals with a variety of disabilities. Second, we place the concept of care at the heart of the analysis of innovation, which leads us to focus not on individual users but on inter-individual and social relations, with their material and affective dimensions.

This third annual forum represents the beginning of a new step for the project following the selection of INNOVCARE for a funding by the Priority Research Programme (France 2030) “Autonomy” (2024-2028). It will focus on Japanese partners and early career researchers affiliated to the project. We will also further discuss the research agenda of INNOVCARE for the next five years.

  • 15 November 2023
  • 10.00 - 18.30 (Paris time), 18.00 - 2.30 (Tokyo time)
  • In English and in French
  • Online and on site: Campus Condorcet, Centre des colloques, Room 3.05 - Place du Front populaire 93300 Aubervilliers
  • Speakers: Louis Bravermann (Université de Bretagne-Occidentale), Raja Chatila (Sorbonne University), Martin Chevallier (EHESS), Sébastien Dalgalarrondo (CNRS), Blandine Destremau (CNRS), Myrtille Ferné (EHESS), Anne-Marie Guillemard (Paris Cité University), Boris Hauray (INSERM), Romain Huret (EHESS), Armelle Klein (INSERM), Naonori Kodate (University College Dublin), Sébastien Lechevalier (FFJ-EHESS), Claudia Müller (University of Siegen), Hitomi Nagano (Sophia University), Yasuhiro Nakanishi (National Institute of Public Health), Yoko Niimi (Doshisha University), Anne-Sophie Rigaud (APHP), Jean-Marie Robine (INED, INSERM, EPHE), Yuko Tamaki-Welply (EHESS-CNRS)

13 novembre 2023

Pourquoi prendre en compte les évolutions socio-économiques pour imaginer les mobilités urbaines de demain ?

FFJ-Movin'On lab

Les discours médiatiques et politiques insistent sur l’attractivité et le dynamisme des métropoles, ainsi que sur la jeunesse de leur population. Ces dynamiques ont pu pourtant contribuer à invisibiliser d’autres processus, comme le creusement des inégalités ou le vieillissement de la population. En effet, si les revenus moyens des métropoles sont tirés par les très hautes rémunérations d’une petite partie de la population, les pauvres et les très pauvres y sont plus présents que dans d’autres territoires. Par ailleurs, si les métropoles ressortent par leur nombre de jeunes et d’étudiants, certaines communes et quartiers sont particulièrement concernés par le vieillissement de la population. Ces dynamiques socio-spatiales ont des impacts sur les mobilités qu’il convient d’étudier.

Dans la première partie du webinaire, nous analyserons les évolutions socio-économiques de deux grandes métropoles européennes, Paris et Madrid, depuis les années 2000, ainsi que la manière dont ces dynamiques se spatialisent sur les territoires métropolitains. Cela nous permettra, dans une deuxième partie, de nous interroger sur les contraintes que ces évolutions imposent aux mobilités métropolitaines, notamment à celles des populations les plus fragiles.

  • 13 novembre 2023
  • 17.00 - 18.30 (Paris time)
  • En français
  • En ligne : lien d'accès
  • Intervenante: Beatriz FERNANDEZ (EHESS - Géographie-cités)

10 novembre 2023

Accountability in Islamic Economy: Transforming Religiosity and Religious Experience in Muslim Societies

International workshop

This international workshop will discuss the current situation of the halal economy from the perspective of the concept of ‘accountability’. With the development of Islamic finance and the halal industry in various societies in the Islamic world, Islamic economy has become focal point of discussion in the contemporary global economy. Previous literatures have attempted to consider the development of these economic activities in terms of the religious preferences of Muslim consumers and Islamic principles in economic practices, such as halal consciousness in halal food industry, and avoidance of riba (interest) in Islamic finance. However, the development of Islamic economic activities is also considered from the perspective of the surrounding market environment, including institutions and norms. In particular, the spread of the concept of audit culture and accountability, defined as being responsible for what one does and be able to offer a satisfactory reason for it, or the degree to which this happens, becomes the central principle for these economic activities. In this situation, various economic systems and practices have been flourishing. As Marilyn Strathern, François Gauthier and other researchers indicate, the spread of neoliberalism and consumerism has also increased the emphasis on an evidence-based setting under the concept of ‘accountability’. In this environment, religious experiences and religiosity are also exploring new designs and norms under accountability principles, and various Muslim communities in the world have transformed their social values accordingly, through the development of the Islamic economy, including the halal industry and Islamic finance. This international workshop, therefore, considers the development of accountability of Islamic economy from the case studies of halal tourism and industry in Muslim societies.

  • 10 November 2023
  • 14.00 - 16.00 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On site at Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment Recherche Nord, Salle 0.006: 14 cours des Humanités 93300 Aubervilliers
  • Speakers: Yukari SAI (Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Systems Science, Chiba Institute of Technology), Shin YASUDA (Associate Professor, Faculty of Regional Policy, Takasaki City University of Economics)

24-27 octobre 2023

Seminar Series with Thomas LEFEVRE (Sorbonne Paris Nord, IRIS) in Tokyo

Persmed lab (FFJ/Air Liquide)

These 3 seminars with Thomas LEFEVRE (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, IRIS), organized in collaboration with the University of Tokyo, Keio University and RIKEN are organized by the PERSMED lab (Personalized Medicine and Data. Technologies, Welfare System, and Ethical Issues) with the support of Air Liquide.

Health big data in France: about ten years of technical, organizational, and political developments

24 October 2023 - from 2 pm (Japan Time) at RIKEN: 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan
In English
Abstract (clic to show)

2015, the French Ministry of Health and Social Affairs ordered an inventory and reflection on big data in health. At the same time, the French Prime Minister ordered a reflection and the establishment of an ambitious action plan relating to genomics for research and healthcare for 2025, aiming at building several platforms dedicated to genomic sequencing and high dimensionality data analysis.

The first group, which I led and was constituted of public and private stakeholders, relied on a broad consultation within public and private institutions, research and industry as well as the civil community. The report and the recommendations that our group formulated concerned 4 aspects: the technical, economic, legal and ethical, and social conditions of the development of big data in health in France. They served as a basis for initiating other structuring initiatives: the health section of the commission on artificial intelligence (“Villani” mission) in 2017-18, then the mission to prefigure the national data platform (also named Health data hub) in 2018, leading to the creation of this platform in 2020. The choice was made of a single and centralized architecture, the development of expertise in terms of large national and local databases linkage, and the promotion of the creation of hospital data warehouses. One of the missions of the Health data hub is to promote the reuse of health data for research and public health purposes, but also for the development by public or private actors of AI algorithms. At the same time, 4 interdisciplinary institutes in artificial intelligence were created in 2019 (3IA), as well as a priority equipment program for research in digital health in 2023. All of these initiatives raise a variety of technical, social and legal questions, which we will discuss during this lecture.

Health big data policy in France – a tentative micro socio-history approach

25 October 2023 - 6 pm to 8 pm (Japan Time) at Keio University: 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582, Japan
In English
Abstract (clic to show)

In 2015, the French Ministry of Health and Social Affairs ordered an inventory and reflection on big data in health. At the same time, the services of the French Prime Minister ordered a reflection and the establishment of an ambitious action plan relating to genomics for research and healthcare for 2025. While I was piloting the first group, and it seemed logical to consult with the second group, we were explicitly asked not to communicate with each other and to work separately. This astonishing duality of reflection and action well symbolizes the situation and the dynamic about digital health in France, where history, the relationships of public institutions with each other and towards citizens as well as the political dimension shape broadly the current landscape: to understand the expectations and current concerns in terms of big data and artificial intelligence in health in France, it is necessary to represent the main actors, from the 80s to today.

In this lecture, I will therefore present a brief socio-history of French public institutions which explains the current opportunities and obstacles in terms of big data in health; I will take stock of the situation in terms of systems and initiatives to promote a certain number of uses of big data and AI, as well as the relationships maintained between France and Europe, but also the United States on this issue, particularly in terms of regulation and data protection. I will draw the ecosystem of health data in France, highlighting the areas where the efforts of the different actors are concentrated, in what form, but also the areas of weakness or of lesser interest. Among other things, I will address these specific questions: What are the expectations and concerns in France regarding R&D and medical applications based on medical big data? How are stakeholder concerns being overcome?

Frontières et modes d’existence de la médecine personnalisée à l’ère du numérique

27 October 2023 - 3 pm to 5 pm (Japan Time) at The University of Tokyo: 7 Chome-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-8654, Japon
In French with Japanese translation Registration
Abstract (clic to show)

Le programme de la médecine s’est articulé depuis au moins l’Antiquité autour de ces 3 éléments : un sachant qui peut être aussi praticien, des savoirs concernant les affections et les moyens de s’en prémunir ou de s’en débarrasser, et une personne, un consultant, un « malade ». Ce programme inclut donc par nature, un caractère individuel et personnalisé.

Ces dix dernières années, le concept de médecine personnalisée, plus largement de médecine 4P (personnalisée, préventive, participative et prédictive), suscite un regain d’intérêt au sein du monde de la santé.

Que peut signifier, et impliquer, cette médecine personnalisée ? En sus des 3 éléments cités, la médecine 4P rend plus visible la participation d’autres éléments clés : le développement technologique, et les acteurs qui promeuvent ce développement d’un point de vue idéologique et commercial.

La personnalisation mise en avant entend toucher au moins deux moments des pratiques en santé : la prévention et le curatif. Ces deux moments ont vu leurs moyens d’action augmenter grâce d’une part au développement d’un modèle biomédical de la santé prédominant, appuyé sur l’essor de l’evidence-based medicine mais aussi de l’épidémiologie et du concept de facteur de risque, et d’autre part des technologies comme celles de séquençage du génome et du numérique.

Aujourd’hui, la médecine personnalisée est à l’intersection du discours, du développement technologique et de ses potentiels apports à la santé. Ce discours est tenu par plusieurs acteurs, aux intérêts qui peuvent diverger et apportant autant de définitions de la médecine personnalisée : à partir d’une approche interdisciplinaire liant sociologie, épistémologie appliquée et sciences de la santé, nous proposons de discuter de la position de ces acteurs (professionnels de santé, entreprises technologiques, financeurs entre autres), des définitions qui en découlent ainsi que des implications actuelles ou possibles de ce discours sur les pratiques en santé et le système de soins en France. Enfin, nous reviendrons sur l’articulation entre social et individuel et les dimensions non technologiques de la personnalisation.

11-13 octobre 2023 [Organisé par l'ULCO]

Les espaces-temps olympiques, d’hier à aujourd’hui : d'une éthique coubertinienne à une déontologie sportive

Semaine septentrionale Pierre de Coubertin

L’ambition du colloque est d’interroger un objet précis, les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques, à travers leur temps et à travers le prisme de plusieurs thématiques caractéristiques. En s’appuyant sur les différentes sciences humaines et sociales appliquées au sport, la visée scientifique ambitionne d’éclairer le sens et donc l’actualité de cette compétition internationale qui vise l’universel.

Le colloque se présente ainsi sous la forme de six demi-journées thématiques articulées autour d’un même enjeu : questionner l’évolution des jeux olympiques et paralympiques depuis la fin du XIXème à nos jours à travers des entrées spécifiques afin de poser un regard critique distancié sur un fait social total. La cohérence du congrès tient dans un regard épistémologique qui favorise une étude critique d’un phénomène socio-historique qui se révèle à la fois dans une temporalité quelquefois anachronique et un périmètre constamment à redéfinir. Il s’agit ainsi d’interroger les différents sens qui structurent les valeurs de l’Olympisme, à travers la flèche du temps qui passe.

  • 11-13 octobre
  • In French
  • Sur place au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Calais : 25 rue Richelieu, 62100 Calais
  • Participant FFJ : Alexandre FAURE (Métropole du Grand Paris, FFJ-EHESS)

21 septembre 2023

La poésie japonaise de l'époque de Nara. Entre recréation de la Chine et création de la tradition nationale

Conférence du lauréat du Prix Shibusawa Claudel 2023

Découvrez les trésors littéraires de l'époque de Nara lors de la conférence de Arthur Defrance, lauréat 2023 du Prix Shibusawa Claudel. Cet événement vous propose de plonger dans les deux plus anciens recueils poétiques de l'histoire japonaise, le mystérieux "Kaifû-sô" et l'illustre "Man'yô-shû", et d'explorer la relation fascinante entre la langue vernaculaire et le chinois classique, qui ont façonné la littérature pré-moderne du Japon.

  • 21 septembre 2023 | 17.30 - 19.00 (Paris time)
  • In French
  • Sur place à la Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris (MCJP) : 101 bis quai Jacques Chirac 75015 Paris

11 juillet 2023

The Moral Economy of Essential Medicines: Who stole our global innovation commons and how can we get it back?

2nd CTSH annual meeting

Even before the global Covid-19 pandemic, the world had already entered an age of pandemics. Since 2020, the world has faced an innovation crisis: failing to bring healing medicines to the majority of the world’s population. Drawing from her award-winning book Pandemic Medicine, Ibata-Arens’ talk analyzes the reasons why there is a mismatch between the global intellectual property rights (IPR) governing who gets to profit and access essential medicines - and human health. It offers a “typology of innovation system architectures (TISA)” framework to explain the divergent approaches taken by China, India, and Japan in dealing with crisis innovation and improving human health.

  • 11 July 2023 | 16.00 - 18.00 (Paris time)
  • In English
  • On site at EHESS: 2 cours des humanités 93300 Aubervilliers (room 50)
  • Programme
    • 16:00 | Opening remarks
      • Sébastien Lechevalier (President, FFJ-EHESS)
    • 16:10 | The Moral Economy of Essential Medicines: Who stole our global innovation commons and how can we get it back?
      • Kathryn Ibata-Arens (Professor, DePaul University)
    • 17:00 | Discussion 
      • Jean-Paul Gaudillière (Professor, EHESS-CERMES3), Philippe Gorry (Associate professor, Bordeaux University)

27 juin 2023

Climate change, natural disasters, and financial risk: how could central banks integrate environmental issues into their policies?

Macroeconomics and economic policy. Lessons from the Japanese experience (Macroeco lab)

Climate change and its associated natural disasters pose significant financial risks to economies around the world. As a result, central banks are increasingly being called upon to integrate environmental issues into their policies. This event will explore the various ways that central banks can incorporate environmental risk into their decision-making, including the use of climate stress tests, the development of green financing initiatives, and the implementation of environmental disclosure requirements. Through expert speakers and panel discussions, participants will gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between climate change and financial risk, as well as the strategies and tools available to central banks to help mitigate these risks.

  • 27 June 2023 | 9.30 - 18.00 (Paris time) | 16.30 - 1.00 (Tokyo time)
  • In English
  • Online and on site at Banque de France - 31 rue Croix des Petits-Champs 75001 Paris (limited seats)
  • Programme
  • Mandatory registration

26 juin 2023

Perspectives and challenges on urban innovation

Transportation Policies and Urban Governance Challenged by Advanced Technologies: A Comparative Study of European and Asian Metropolitan Regions (TPUG Lab)

The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the transportation landscape, posing unique challenges for urban governance and transportation policies in metropolitan regions worldwide. This roundtable aims to delve into the intricacies of this transformative era, focusing on a comparative study between European and Asian metropolitan regions. Key topics of discussion will include the integration of intelligent transportation systems, the rise of shared mobility services, the adoption of autonomous vehicles, and the development of sustainable transportation infrastructure.

The event brings together the members of the TPUG Lab (launch in 2022 in collaboration with Valeo, The University of Tokyo and Mines ParisTech) to explore the multifaceted impact of advanced technologies on transportation systems and urban governance. By analyzing the experiences of European and Asian cities, attendees will gain valuable insights into the diverse approaches and best practices implemented to address the evolving challenges in transportation management.

  • 26 June 2023 | 16.30 - 18.00 (Paris time) | 23.30 - 1.00 (Tokyo time)
  • In English
  • Online and on site at EHESS - 4th floor, room A427 - 2 cours des humanités 93300 Aubervilliers (limited seats)
  • Programme
  • Mandatory registration

18 avril 2023

Ecosystème-vélo et vélonomie en ville

Communauté d'intérêts - Agir sur les « mobilités contraintes » : enjeux et solutions pour les acteurs publics et privés (Lab Agir)

Ce séminaire se déroule dans le cadre du lab Agir - FFJ / Movin’On qui a pour objectif d'étudier les solutions permettant de mieux répondre aux contraintes suivantes :

  • Comment favoriser l'autonomisation des individus dans leurs déplacements et dans l’accès aux services publics et marchands ?
  • Quelle est l'influence des contextes urbanistique, économique, social et politique surles mobilités contraintes ?
  • Quelles actions les acteurs de la mobilité peuvent-ils mettre en place en ce sens ?

Lors de ce premier séminaire, nous aborderons le sujet de la "vélonomie" : l'autonomie des cyclistes, valeur fondamentale liée à la relation entre ceux-ci et leur vélo ?

Nous tenterons ainsi de répondre aux questions suivantes :

  • Quelle est la contribution des acteurs publics et privés, notamment les vélocistes et ateliers d’auto-réparation, à l’appropriation qu'ils font de leur vélo ?
  • En quoi ces acteurs sont- ils des ressources ou des contraintes pour les usagers ?

Les mobilités cyclistes urbaines sont appréciées, en France et à l’international, en raison de leur faible impact environnemental, leur influence positive sur la santé des cyclistes et autres habitants de la ville, et leur accessibilité financière aux usagers. Un enjeu important des pratiques cyclistes est la relation que les cyclistes entretiennent avec leur vélo. Cette relation peut prendre la forme de ce que l'intervenante nomme « vélonomie », c’est-à-dire l’autonomie que les cyclistes développent vis-à-vis de leur vélo. Or, à l’échelle urbaine, cette vélonomie est rendue possible par un écosystème d’acteurs publics et privés, collectivités et associatifs. Issue de son travail doctoral, cette communication se base sur des données issues de questionnaires et d’entretiens auprès de cyclistes et d’acteurs de la réparation dans les villes de Lyon (France) et Melbourne (Australie). Elle interroge la contribution de certains de ces acteurs, et notamment les vélocistes et ateliers d’auto-réparation, à l’appropriation que les cyclistes font de leur vélo, dans et hors des déplacements. Ces organisations peuvent ainsi constituer des ressources pour les usagers, mais aussi parfois des freins à leur appropriation du vélo.

16 janvier 2023

Urban Mobility versus Gender, and Care

FFJ/Michelin Foundation Workshop

Transport infrastructure and services are the means to improve the well-being of all groups of the population, including women, men, children, the elder, and people with disabilities. However, they are often incorrectly considered “gender-neutral. In fact, mobility is socially determined by gender roles related to reproduction, production, and community. The relative economic, social status, and gender roles, as well as livelihoods of women and men also influence the different needs and usages of transport services. The gender dimensions in public transportation should become more evident when its investment can be viewed in terms of facilitating the mobility of people for various purposes and needs as well as in different modes, in which women and men, children and elders could differently experience – rather than just simply investing in hard infrastructure that equally benefits all groups of the population. The inadequate design of public transport infrastructure and services will constrain women's access and limit the positive distributional impacts of urban public transportation. Integrating the gender focus into the transport policy dialogue and planning procedures could promote equal economic opportunities for the entire society in expecting to unlock barriers to women’s economic potential.

  • 16 January 2023 | 14.15 - 17.40 (France time) | 22.00 - 1.30 (Japan time)
  • In English
  • Online and On site: Room 3.01, Centre des colloques, Campus Condorcet (Place du Front populaire, 93300 Aubervilliers)
  • Programme
  • Registration (mandatory)