À PROPOS Chercheurs invités Thi Ngoc Tu LE

Thị Ngọc Tú LÊ

Hoa Sen University

Dr. Lê est actuellement chef du bureau de la recherche et des relations internationales à l'université Hoa Sen, au Vietnam. Elle a une formation en économie et en mathématiques et une expérience de travail substantielle dans deux domaines de recherche de l'économie du développement : l'économie de l'environnement et l'autonomisation des femmes. Elle a acquis une expérience considérable dans l'utilisation des microdonnées, des big data, des données satellitaires, de l'analyse quantitative, du système d'information géographique, de l'examen systématique et de la méta-analyse. Avec une solide formation en économie et en mathématiques, Dr. Lê a réussi à transformer sa passion de longue date pour l'autonomisation des femmes en une recherche à fort impact.

Thèmes de recherche : Économie du développement, Women’s empowerment, Mobilité urbaine durable

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Collaboration avec la FFJ

Chaire FFJ/Fondation Michelin 2022
Stay: 2022-2023
Axe 4

Transport infrastructure and services are often incorrectly considered “gender neutral”. It is wrongly assumed that transport projects equally benefit men and women. In fact, travel patterns, mobility, and accessibility are different for women and men, as they use different modes of transport for different purposes and in different ways depending on their socially determined reproductive, productive, and community-related gender roles. These differences need to be well understood in order to inform the design of gender-inclusive transport projects.

Transport investments that are designed with due consideration to gender dimensions can bring significant benefits to women (as well as children, the elderly and people with disabilities), in terms of increased access to employment, markets, education and health services, as well as directly reducing their time poverty. However, too often, the design of transport projects and services do not sufficiently consider women’s travel needs, concerns, priorities, and preferences. Gender analysis needs to be undertaken to inform the design of transport investments.

This study uses the Ho Chi Minh city Metro Railway Project as a case study. The research will show evidence on the different transport needs of men and women, their different travel behavior and ability to access and afford public transport, therefore will highlight the link of a high-speed transport system to promote women’s economic empower.

Chaire FFJ/Fondation Michelin Research statement Workshop Discussion Paper

Publications majeures

Stephan Klasen, Janneke Pieters, Manuel Santos Silva, Thi Ngoc Tu Le, (2020). "What drives female labor force participation? Comparable micro-level evidence from eight developing countries". The Journal of Development Studies (FJDS). DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2020.1790533

Le Thi Ngoc Tu, (2019). “Floods and Household Welfare: Evidence from Southeast Asia”. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change. DOI: 10.1007/s41885-019-00055-x. 

Vollmer S, Khan S, Le T, Pasha A, Sahoo S, (2017). "Protocol: The effect of interventions for women’s empowerment on children’s health and education: A systematic review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries". Campbell Systematic Reviews


2020-2022 Returning Expert on Gender Equality-Programme Migration& Diaspora GIZ/CIM

2014 Vietnam Government scholarship for PhD study in Germany

2009-2010 Scholarship for Master of Business Administration, La Trobe University, Australia