À PROPOS Chercheurs invités Ritsu YAMAMURA


Associate Professor
Nihon University

Ritsu Yamamura is Associate Professor in The Department of Public Policy and Affaires, Nihon University College of Law, Tokyo, Japan. She is a social worker and researcher of social policy for people with disabilities. Her focus of study is on “how the social policies should be for providing social service and care to those people’s life in most effective way”. Now, marginalization and exclusion caused by social policy and registration are her main concern, it leads to the question; who should be as a disabled in social policy? Between February and August 2020, she will carry out a comparative study of definition of people with disabilities in social policy and registration in EU countries, Korea and Japan.

Research theme: Social policy for people with disabilities

Academic page

Collaboration with FFJ

Visiting researcher
Stay: February – July 2020

Ritsu Yamamura came as a visiting researcher at FFJ by the beginning of 2020. She wrote a research statement entitled: “Comparative Study of Social Policy for People with Disabilities - Positioning of Japan between Two Types of Policy Framework, Trend and Movement”. Due to the pandemic all events and seminar were canceled during her stay.

Research Statement

Selection of publications

Ritsu Yamamura (2018) “Employment and Daily-Life Support for Life of People with Psychiatric Disabilities” Journal of Social Security Research, 2(4), p498-511. (in Japanese)

Ritsu Yamamura (2015) “Consideration about Wage of People with Disabilities Based on the Concept of Fundamental Abilities: in the Context of Reasonable Accommodation” Social Policy and Labor Studies, 7(1), pp99-111. (in Japanese)

Ritsu Yamamura (2014) “Vision of Institutionalization and Effectiveness of Regulation for Reasonable Accommodation in Japan” Wage and Social Security, 1615・1616, p12-24. (in Japanese)

Ritsu Yamamura (2012) “Accommodation for People with Psychiatric Disabilities in Operation of “Reasonable Accommodation”: Reviewing of Trial Report in United State” Social Policy and Labor Studies, 3(3), pp116-126. (in Japanese)

Ritsu Yamamura (2011) “Disability Disclosure by People with Psychiatric Disabilities: Reanalysis of Interviews on Employment Challenges” Japanese Journal of Studies on Disability and Difficulty, 39(2), pp66-74. (in Japanese)

Ritsu Yamamura (2010) Seishin - shogaisya no tameno Koukateki - Syuro - Shien Moel to Seido (Effective Job Support Model and Policy for the People with Psychiatric Disability), Minerva, Japan, 2010. (in Japanese)