Recherche Recherche partenariale Prix Christian Polak Pierre-Antoine KAPFER

Pierre-Antoine KAPFER

Paris University

After obtaining a degree in Chinese and an exchange visit to Taiwan, he reoriented himself towards a Master's degree in Japanese after having studied the language on his own thanks to an extended stay in Japan. Anxious to maintain his dual linguistic competence, he decided to devote his two years of master's studies to the study of medieval Japanese-Chinese relations and to this end, he did his second year of master's studies as an exchange student at Gakushûin University.

Research theme: Medieval Japanese-Chinese relations

Collaboration with FFJ

FFJ/Christian Polak Prize special mention

Grégoire Jouclas received the 2020 FFJ/Christian Polak Special Mention of the prize for his report entitled « Au-delà de la Mer de l’Est : la présence chinoise dans le Japon de la période de Muromachi » (Beyond the East Sea: The Chinese Presence in Muromachi Japan in the Muromachi period).

2020 FFJ/Christian Polak Prize Report (in French)