Publications Livres/Chapitres/Articles Ouvrages


Ces ouvrages sont le résultat des programmes de recherche coordonnés par la Fondation. 

(Paris, Editions de l'ENS, 2016, 172 pages) par Sébastien Lechevalier et Brieuc Monfort. L'ouvrage revient sur l’expérience economique japonaise depuis 1990 jusqu’à la politique dite des Abenomics conduite depuis 2012, afin de discuter la pertinence d’une transposition dans un contexte autre que japonais.
Ce livre a fait l'objet de plusieurs comptes rendus dont Culture chronique (par Archibald Ploom) et Alternatives économiques (par Christian Chavagneux).

(Tokyo, Springer Verlag, 2016, 364 pages), edited by Tachibanaki Toshiaki, makes a contribution to the literature on happiness research by compiling studies based on cross-national research and from diverse academic disciplines.

It is one of the outcomes of a 3 year research project entitled “Happiness” coordinated by Doshisha University in Kyoto and the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS.

Read and download chapters from Springer Link.

La grande transformation du capitalisme japonais 

(Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2011, French) reflects on the changes that Japan’s economy has experienced over the past 30 years, and presents a comprehensive analysis of the great transformation of Japanese capitalism from the heights of the 1980s, through the lost decades of the 1990s, and well into the 21st century.

Written and edited by Sébastien Lechevalier in collaboration with Yves Tiberghien and Arnaud Nanta, prefaced by Robert Boyer and postfaced by Ronald Dore, this book is available in English (The Great Transformation of Japanese Capitalism, London, Routledge, 2014, translated by Arthur Stockwin) and in Japanese (Nihon Shihon shugi no daitenkan, Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 2015, translated by Toshiyuki Shinkawa).

Dozens of reviews on this book appeared in the academic journals and the media. To read them, see "Asian Capitalisms".