Recherche Recherche partenariale Prix SASE/FFJ Sota KATO


The International University of Japan

After earning a law degree from the University of Tokyo, Sota Kato joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1991. He served as assistant director for Aircraft and Defense Industries and deputy director for the International Economic Division (MITI) and senior fellow at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade, and Industry. He received an MBA (with honors) from Harvard Business School and PhD in political science from the University of Michigan. Is concurrently a professor at the International University of Japan.

Research themes: Comparative political economy, Political methodology, Public opinion

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Collaboration with FFJ

FFJ/SASE Best Paper Award winner

Sota Kato received the 2012 FFJ/SASE Best Paper Award for his paper entitled: “Valley of Institutional Change: Japanese Political Economy 1990-2005”.

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