Publications Newsletter Lettre 2015-4
La Lettre de la Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS

No 2015-04
Novembre 2015


1 - Éditorial
"Vers un nouveau développement des collaborations franco-japonaises en études africaines"
Par Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga, Directeur d’études, EHESS, IMAF

Les coopérations de recherches entre le Japon et la France dans le domaine des études africaines  ne datent pas d’aujourd’hui comme en témoigne la vitalité des échanges entre la France et l’Université de Kyoto par exemple. Cependant, plusieurs initiatives de la Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS sont susceptibles de donner un nouvel essor à ces coopérations sur des sujets encore peu explorés.
La coordination de deux panels lors de la conférence inaugurale du réseau A-Asia à Accra du 24 au 26 septembre 2015 organsée par ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars) témoigne de cet engagement de la Fondation France-Japon. Ces deux panels étaient respectivement intitulés «Asian Aid Relationships in Africa» et «Rencontre culturelle» et hybridation identitaire entre Asie et Afrique»
Le soutien à l’organisation d’un workshop sur l’environnement accueilli par L’IMAF le 16 octobre 2015 et organisé par l’Institut de recherche sur l’humanité et la nature de Kyoto est un second exemple de cet engagement.
C’est dans ce cadre que la FFJ organise les 2 et 3 septembre une conférence internationale qui constituera le véritable lancement de ce programme. Vous êtes les bienvenus.

Liens utiles:

Remy Bazenguissa-Ganga

2- [Contribution spéciale] A Perspective from the History of Science in East Asia

The 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (14th ICHSEA) was held from the 6th to the 10th of July 2015 in Paris, It was organised under the auspices of EHESS, and on behalf of the International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine (ISHEASTM). It took place at the EHESS centre at 105 Boulevard Raspail.
The 14th ICHSEA belongs to a series of international meetings that have been held in Europe, Asia and North America since 1990. It brought together almost 400 scholars who came from twenty-two countries in order to present and discuss their latest research on the history of science, technology and medicine in East Asia —East Asia being defined as the region where classical Chinese was the main vehicle of elite knowledge for part or all of pre-modern times. With 317 papers delivered, the 14th ICHSEA was the largest international meeting devoted to this field held so far and one of the largest history of science events recently held in France. The conference language was English.[1]
The organisers of this conference were three CNRS researchers who belong to the joint EHESS/CNRS Centre for studies on China, Korea and Japan: Catherine Jami, Frédéric Obringer and Caroline Bodolec. EHESS contributed staffing support, as well as providing the venue. Financial support was also granted by the National Institute for Social and Human Sciences (INSHS, CNRS), by the Région Île-de-France, as well as by several groups and units of CNRS: GIS Asie, GDR “History of mathematics”, SPHERECentre Alexandre Koyré andCRCAO. At an international level, ISHEASTM received funding from the Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST), an organisation that brings together historians of science and technology on a global scale. Last but not least, the D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia provided a very generous grant. All this support enabled the organisers to help 35 scholars (mostly PhD students and post-doctoral fellows) to attend the conference.
Two successive calls for proposals (panels and individual papers), followed by peer-review assessment of received proposals resulted in the acceptance of 45 panels and about 130 individual papers. The conference ran for five full days, with up to seven parallel sessions at any given time.
The submission of papers and panels devoted to the chosen conference theme “Sources, locality and global history: science, technology and medicine in East Asia” was encouraged. The choice of this theme deserves an explanation. As all specialists in our field are only too aware, studies of “the West” still dominate the history of science, technology and medicine. As a consequence, the tools, concepts and assessment criteria that are most familiar to specialists have been shaped mainly or solely on the basis of the European historical experience. Working on a different part of the world, in our case East Asia, therefore entails a tension that we need to live with. On the one hand, we need to construct our analytical tools based on the evidence available to us; this means giving priority to a close reading of oursources. On the other hand, we need to construct a continuing dialogue with our colleagues, be they “occidentalists” or specialists of other cultural areas; this dialogue must aim at making our respective studies commensurable with one another. This dialogue is all the more necessary for those of us who study the globalisation of knowledge in history: the varied representations of this phenomenon need to be studied and compared. This implies taking full account of the situation of the objects we study in time and space — the latter being understood as not only geographical but also social, political and cultural — or in other words, of locality. Today historians of science increasingly question the implications for their discipline of new historiographies pertaining to “world history”, “global history” or “connected histories”. At the same time, historians try to construct narratives that take into account multiple scales and centres. The 14th ICHSEA provided an opportunity to discuss these issues in several ways. Selected contributions relevant to them will be published in the first issue of the online journal of which the Centre for Studies on China, Korea and Japan is about to commence publication.
A quick analysis of the themes of panels shows how the field has changed in recent years. Whereas China remains the most studied country of East Asia, followed by Japan and Korea, two panels were devoted respectively to Vietnam and the Philippines. Many panels took a transnational approach. Comparisons conducted between contemporary Japan, Korea and Taiwan on various issues reflected the intense collaboration and exchanges that have recently developed between scholars based in these three countries. The study of particular scientific disciplines, such as mathematics or astronomy no longer dominate the study of pre-modern periods; instead the focus in increasingly on issues such as the modalities of circulation of ideas and practices. This being said, medicine continues to represent an important part of the research carried out in the field. Another important change in the field concerns the period most studied: whereas studies of pre-1600 China used to be dominant, this period was little represented among papers presented at the 14th ICHSEA. This is in keeping with a general trend in historical studies worldwide. About half of the papers were devoted to the post-1850 period: the main focus of research today seems to be the transition from a world in which so-called “traditional” local knowledge dominated to a “globalised” one, in which science is regarded as universal. It is also worth noting that a large number of contributions discussed the contemporary world (post-2000). The conference thus succeeded in bringing together two fields that are often in competition, while being sometimes difficult to tell apart: history of science and STS (science, technology and society) studies. There was a genuine dialogue between the two research communities.
During the 14th ICHSEA, tributes were also paid to two great scholars in the field who passed away last year: Ho Peng Yoke 何丙郁 (1926-2014) and Nakayama Shigeru 中山茂 (1928-2014). Ho Peng Yoke’s work deals with astronomy, divination and alchemy in ancient China; among other things, he contributed significantly to two volumes of the famous Science and Civilisation in China series[2] Nakayama Shigeru, a disciple of Thomas Kuhn, was not only a historian of astronomy in pre-modern China and Japan, who worked, in particular, with Yabuuti Kiyosi 藪內清 (1906-2000), but was also one of the founders of STS studies in Japan. Three panels dedicated to his memory were devoted to a field of research he opened, the study of Japanese science during the colonial period. This bears witness to his continued influence on research conducted nowadays in East Asia.

Catherine Jami

[1] The programme and the book of abstracts of the conference are available online.
[2] Vol. 4, Pt. 3. Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Historical Survey, from Cinnabar Elixirs to Synthetic Insulin. Joseph Needham, with the collaboration of Ho Ping-Yu [Ho Peng-Yoke] and Lu Gwei-djen (1976) Vol. 4, Pt. 7. Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic. Joseph Needham, with the collaboration of Ho Ping-Yu [Ho Peng-Yoke], Lu Gwei-djen and Wang Ling (1987).
«Capitalism, Welfare Regime and Intimate Sphere: Theory of Human Reproduction in Mature Societies in Europe and East Asia» (CAPWELCARE) 
Seminar of the Research project with Emiko Ochiai, Blaise Pascal fellow

The proposition at the origin of this seminar is that understanding the transformations of social protection in Asia should be taken very seriously and included in the current debates in Europe on the future of welfare systems. This is also a real epistemological challenge for social sciences that had the tendency in the past to consider welfare state as a form of social protection specific to Europe. The issue at stake is less to enrich existing typologies than to proceed to a rebuilding of our concepts in order to properly analyze the social dynamics and the political logic which explain how potential changes become effective and specific directions are chosen among various possibilities, which are partly based on historical patterns. This comparative perspective leads us to emphasize the limitations of existing conceptual frameworks and to try to revise them. As it can be easily seen, this conceptual effort to build an integrated framework requires not only first-hand knowledge of Asian socio-economic systems but also an interdisciplinary approach involving scholars’ contributions in political science, sociology and history.
The goal of this seminar is therefore to build a theoretical framework that can accurately contribute to analyzing the current evolution of European and East Asian societies. The multi-faceted comparative analysis of the two regions can help us to understand the various institutional conditions for a sustainable future. To that end, this seminar aims at integrating three frameworks that are formally separated in different disciplines: studies on the diversity of capitalism, on welfare regimes, and on the intimate sphere. The latter two frameworks try to clarify the mechanisms of human reproduction and their cost, a domain which was often placed on the outside of the field of conventional social science. It will permit to build a theory and methodology to deal with human reproduction in mature societies, while trying to link it to the dynamics of capitalism, which leads to the reproduction of social classes.
To build research cooperation for long-term span, we include trained young researchers such as graduate students as full members of the project. Our aim is to publish a high level theoretical and empirical work through international co-authorship.

Seminar dates :
November 17, 2015 14:00-16:00
December 8, 2015 14:00-16:00
December 15, 2016 14:00-16:00
January 12, 2017 14:00-16:00
January 26, 2017 14:00-16:00
February 9, 2017 14:00-16:00
February 23, 2016 14:00-16:00
March 22, 2016 14:00-16:00

Pour plus d'information sur le séminaire CAPWELCARE 
Carnet de chercheur
«Formation process of Japanese consumers’ inflation expectations» 
Yuko Ueno (Hitotsubashi University) 

Policymakers have been discussing the importance of inflation expectations now that the Japanese economy is about to exit a long-lasting deflationary period. Despite its theoretical importance, measuring inflation expectations in a precise manner is not an easy task as inflation expectation is subjective and varies significantly among agents. In Japan, policymakers have been inquiring with both consumers and firms about their expectations through surveys. (...)
On average, it is evident that both expectations move together; only occasionally, consumers’ expectations lag slightly behind firms’ expectations, particularly during the period leading up to the global financial crisis.
Although they move in a closely correlated manner, there is a consistent gap between the levels of the two expectations throughout the period. The average inflation expectations of consumers are higher than the consumer price index (CPI), while the average inflation expectations of firms (of their sales prices in particular) can be lower than the CPI.
The formation process of inflation expectations has been examined in previous literatures but is yet to achieve consensus. In fact, Figure 2 shows that inflation expectations of consumers, firms, markets, and private forecasters move similarly while their levels differ.
3 -  Informations sur les prochaines activités

10 novembre 2015 18:00-20:00
Tax Politics in Japan: Regressive Taxation and the Welfare State Revisited
Conférencière : Junko KATO
(Political Science Department, University of Tokyo)
Lieu : EHESS, 190 Avenue de France 75013 Paris - Salle 638

Pour plus d'information

Conférence et journée d'étude organisée par le GIS Asie avec le soutien de "Dynasie" (hesam) et de la Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS
 " Qu’est-ce que l’Asie ? "

Participants : Emiko Ochiai (Kyoto University), Carol Gluck (Columbia University), François Gipouloux (CNRS), Selcuk Esenbel (Bogazici university, Turkey), Astrid Nordin (Lancaster University), Christophe Z Guilmoto (CEPED), Aminah Mohammad Arif (CNRS)
Venue : Université Paris 1 & EHESS
Support : Dynasie, Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS, GIS Asie
Organizers: Hugues Tertrais (Université Paris 1), Sébastien Lechevalier (EHESS), Pierre Singaravélou (Université Paris 1)
Inscription :

Pour plus d'information

Les 2-3 décembre 2015, Paris
Au-delà du « Nord-Sud »: Nouvelles territorialités entre l'Afrique et l'Asie
Lancement du programme PSL : Comprendre les relations Afrique-Asie : espace transversal de recherches et d'enseignement (CRAA-ETRE) (2015-2017)
Le programme de recherche PR6 de la Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS : Nouvelles territorialités entre l'Afrique et l'Asie (NTAA) (2014-2016)

Date : 2-3 décembre 2015
Lieu : EHESS (190 Av de France 75013 13e, salle combinée 638 - 6ème étage).
Langue: Anglais / Français

Au cours des vingt dernières années, jamais les relations entre l’Afrique et l’Asie n’ont été aussi intenses qu’aujourd’hui, à commencer par l’accroissement significatif des échanges commerciaux entre les deux régions, et les investissements massifs des pays asiatiques dans les diverses contrées du continent africain. Les rapports économiques jouent donc un rôle primordial. Mais il ne s’agit pas uniquement de cela. Les interactions sociales, politiques et culturelles ne cessent de s’intensifier entre les deux continents. Une tendance qui est favorisée par le phénomène de la mondialisation.
L’objectif de la journée est d’étudier les nouvelles mouvances sociopolitiques, économiques et culturelles qui traversent les deux continents, en s'appuyant sur des travaux géopolitiques, macro ou micro-économiques, sociologiques ou encore ethnographiques. 
Il s’agit également de réfléchir sur les nouvelles méthodes et théories de recherches en sciences sociales face à ces phénomènes qui traversent les deux territoires en passant ou non par les pays du « Nord ». Comment les nouveaux rapports Afrique-Asie modifient le paradigme des recherches en sciences sociales? Comment pourrions-nous déconstruire ou reconstruire les approches épistémologiques ou méthodologiques établies à travers les siècles d’héritage de recherches en sciences sociales sur l’Afrique et sur l’Asie, fondé essentiellement dans les contextes colonial et postcolonial ?
Cet approche nous permet d’ouvrir les différentes perspectives, en déplacent nos regards du « centre » (Europe, Amérique…) vers les « périphéries » (Afrique, Asie…) et, à travers ce déplacement du regard, essayer d’aller au-delà de ces découpages et oppositions entre centre et périphérie, Nord et Sud. 

Le mercredi 2 décembre 2015
Lieu : l’EHESS, 190 Avenue de France 75013 Paris, Salle Jean-Pierre Vernant (8ème étage)
17 :00 – 19 :00 Présentation et lancement du programme PSL : Comprendre les relations Afrique-Asie : espace transversal de recherches et d'enseignement (CRAA-ETRE)
Introduction : Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga (IMAF, EHESS), responsable scientifique du programme ; Sébastien Lechevalier (FFJ, EHESS), Président de la Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS ; Kae Amo (FFJ, EHESS – IMAF), coordinatrice du programme. 

Le jeudi 3 décembre 2015
Lieu : l’EHESS, 190 Avenue de France 75013 Paris, avenue de France, 75013, Salles CNRS, 638-640. 190.

Panel 1: Africa -Asia relations. Beyond the North-South: new methodological and epistemological perspectives
Eloi Ficquet (EHESS-CEIFR), Takezawa Soichiro (National Museum ou Ethnology, Japan), Caroline Bodolec (CNRS-CEMC), Jean-Pierre Dozon (FMSH),Kae Amo (EHESS-FFJ&IMAF).

Panel 2: Geopolitical reconfiguration and new power relations. States, International organizations and territorial challenges.
Mayuka Tanabe(Leiden University), Antoine Kernen (Université de Lausanne, Université de Genève), Pooja Jain (Science Po) India-Africa relations, Thierry Pairault (CNRS-CEMC), Yumiko Yamamoto (FFJ-EHESS)

Panel 3: Mobility, networks and cultural hybridation.
Frédérique Louveau (Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis), Alessandro Jedlowski, University of Liège (Belgium), Takao Shimizu (RINH), Oussouby Sacko (Kyoto Seika University), Loraine Kennedy (CNRS-CEIAS).
17:30- Open conference: For the Culture of Peace. Reflexions Asia-Africa. with the support of delegations of Mali and Japan at UNESCO

17:30- Table ronde : Pour la culture de la paix. les réflexions Asie-Afrique. Avec la participation des délégations du Mali et du Japon à l’UNESCO

Pour plus d'information
8 decembre 2015 18:00-20:00
« How change happens in Japan »
Série de conférences Histoires à travers les frontières

Carol Gluck is professor at Columbia University. She writes on modern Japan and East Asia, twentieth-century global history, World War II, and the history-writing and public memory. « ‘‘Grand Unified Theory of Japanese History’’ takes the patterns of change in the past, since the beginning of Tokugawa times, and applies them to present-day Japan, in politics, economics, society, and Japan’s place in the world».

Lieu : EHESS, 190 Avenue de France 75013 Paris - Salle 638
Inscription :

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4- Presentation des nouveaux chercheurs invités au CEAFJP 
Masayo Fujimoto (Doshisha University), Akira Takeishi (Kyoto University), Yuko Ueno (Hitotsubashi University), Naoko Abe (EHESS, Renault Research Fellow at CEAFJP), Ayaka Noda (NIAD-UE)

A l'automne 2015, le CEAFJP accueille 5 collègues japonais

Masayo Fujimoto (Doshisha University) 
My research interest is the relation between the individual and organization from the view point of “mobility and organizational commitment”.Targets are the professionals in science and technology. In France, I have some plans to compare the people with several job change experiences and the people who stay in the same organization.It will be my great opportunity if I can cooperate with the researchers in the fields of the policy of science and technology, the survey of research and development organization, the career changes by highly educated people and innovations.

Akira Takeishi (Kyoto University)
During my one-year stay at FFJ, I plan to carry out a couple of research projects. One of them examines the viability of the keiretsu system in the Japanese auto industry. Drawing on panel data on transactions between Japanese OEMs and suppliers over thirty years, this research attempts to reveal two types of keiretsu system (one competitive and the other uncompetitive) and factors behind the difference. To supplement the analysis, the case of the Renault and Nissan alliance will be studied. Also, I would like to work on a research project to understand innovation process as “creative legitimization for resource mobilization,” and another one to analyze the evolution of the music industry as interactions among technology, business, institution, and music over time.

Yuko Ueno (Hitotsubashi University)
My current research topics are 1) how people’s inflation expectations are formed, and 2) how employers motivate their employees to make efforts in work.
The Abenomics can be characterized by adopting policy measures that aim to influence people’s expectations. Our study intends to explore how and to what extent such measures can affect people’s expectations by implementing an original experimental survey. The second study aims to examine how Japanese firms combine various incentive tools including promotion, wage progression with tenure, threat of dismissal, and bonus payment.

Naoko Abe (EHESS, Renault Research Fellow at CEAFJP)
Arrivée au CEAFJP en octobre 2015, je vais travailler sur la construction de la confiance vis-à-vis de la voiture autonome chez les japonais et les français dans une perspective ethno-sociologique pendant un an. Je m’intéresse particulièrement à la relation homme-objet technologique et l’influence de la tradition et de la culture sur cette relation. Je suis ravie d’être au CEAFJP, un lieu de réflexion où la diversité culturelle et disciplinaire se croise vivement.

Ayaka Noda (NIAD-UE)
Iwould like to have a deeper understanding of the French higher education system and policies, particularly focusing on the recent reform of the university program evaluation system with a quality assurance institution (HCERES) and its impact on higher education institutions. My research will also examine the French national frameworks (e.g., the National Qualifications Framework (NQF); Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP)), and how these frameworks have been applied to university education programmanagement and evaluation in relation to vocational competencies orthe labor market.