À PROPOS Chercheurs invités Linda WEISS


Professor Emeritus
The University of Sydney, Aarhus University

Linda Weiss is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Professor Emeritus in Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney, and Honorary Professor of Political Science at Aarhus University. She has lectured widely in North America, Europe, and East Asia and has held visiting research and teaching appointments at EHESS (Paris), Sheffield (SPERI), Aarhus, UCLA, the LSE, the European University Institute, University of Rome, Academia Sinica, Seoul National University, and the Kyungnam Institute for Far Eastern Studies (Seoul). Her specialism is the comparative and international politics of economic development, with a focus on state capacity and public-private sector relations. Several of her books and articles on the topics of globalisation and state power, developmental states, and trade politics have appeared in seven different language translations. Her latest book, America Inc? Innovation and Enterprise in the National Security State (2014, Cornell University Press), examines the political economy of national security in the period spanning the Cold War to the present.

Research theme: Comparative and international politics of economic development, with a focus on state capacity and public-private sector relations

Academic page

Collaboration with FFJ

Visiting researcher
Stay: April – May 2016

Linda Weiss was visiting researcher at FFJ in 2016. During her stay she gave a conference series on: “The Developmental State (DS) – a contrastive and contested concept”, “The East Asian Industrialization Experience and the Developmental State”, “Hybrid state, hybrid capitalism, and American anti-statism” and “The US’s exceptional power at a crossroad”.

Conference series